I don't mean ta blog ya

The way I see it, anyway.

Thursday, July 07, 2005


What do these idiots hope to accomplish by blowing up innocents on their way to work?

I'm so angry and upset about the whole situation. I'm so sad for those that lost husbanmds, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters in this mass murder. My condolences go out to all of you.

Kudos to Tony Blair. I think he handled the situation exactly as a strong leader should. Must say it was impressive to see 8+ of the world's most powerful men standing shoulder-to-shoulder behind him. It must be an incredibly hard place to be put in. Hats off to him.

Secondly, hats off to Londoners. This is a group of people, by extension, who are probably second-to-none when it comes to taking it on the chin, dusting themselves off, and getting back to it. These terrorist bastards misjudged, again, the resolve of the people they were attacking. They clearly don't have a clue, bunch of morons.

From all accounts, the emergency response team, or what ever they're calledin London, had this situation under control in an incredibly short period of time. They deserve a lot of credit. It's awful that they had to actually put their plans into effect, but they must have pulled it off perfectly.


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